Black Imprinted
Black Imprinted
Black Blank
Black Blank
Black Closed Imprinted
Black Closed Imprinted
Black Closed Blank
Black Closed Blank
Bright Blue Imprinted
Bright Blue Imprinted
Bright Blue Blank
Bright Blue Blank
Bright Blue Closed Imprinted
Bright Blue Closed Imprinted
Bright Blue Closed Blank
Bright Blue Closed Blank
Burgundy Imprinted
Burgundy Imprinted
Burgundy Blank
Burgundy Blank
Burgundy Closed Imprinted
Burgundy Closed Imprinted
Burgundy Closed Blank
Burgundy Closed Blank
Clear Imprinted
Clear Imprinted
Clear Blank
Clear Blank
Clear Closed Imprinted
Clear Closed Imprinted
Clear Closed Blank
Clear Closed Blank
Gray Imprinted
Gray Imprinted
Gray Blank
Gray Blank
Gray Closed Imprinted
Gray Closed Imprinted
Gray Closed Blank
Gray Closed Blank
Green Imprinted
Green Imprinted
Green Blank
Green Blank
Green Closed Imprinted
Green Closed Imprinted
Green Closed Blank
Green Closed Blank
Navy Blue Imprinted
Navy Blue Imprinted
Navy Blue Blank
Navy Blue Blank
Navy Blue Closed Imprinted
Navy Blue Closed Imprinted
Navy Blue Closed Blank
Navy Blue Closed Blank
Orange Imprinted
Orange Imprinted
Orange Blank
Orange Blank
Orange Closed Imprinted
Orange Closed Imprinted
Orange Closed Blank
Orange Closed Blank
Red Imprinted
Red Imprinted
Red Blank
Red Blank
Red Closed Imprinted
Red Closed Imprinted
Red Closed Blank
Red Closed Blank
Royal Blue Imprinted
Royal Blue Imprinted
Royal Blue Blank
Royal Blue Blank
Royal Blue Closed Imprinted
Royal Blue Closed Imprinted
Royal Blue Closed Blank
Royal Blue Closed Blank
White Imprinted
White Imprinted
White Blank
White Blank
White Closed Imprinted
White Closed Imprinted
White Closed Blank
White Closed Blank
5045 - Certificate of Deposit Holder

5045 - Certificate of Deposit Holder

Certificate of Deposit Holder50454.002.131.681.42
4C Estimated Lead Time: 5 days

Price includes 1-location standard decoration, standard material.
Set-up charge $60.00 (G).

Minnesota MadeColorVast

5045 - Certificate of Deposit Holder

Single pocket design, perfect for holding banking documents.

  • Fold-over design with 1 inside pocket.
  • Ultimate in privacy for financial documents.
  • Opens like a checkbook.
  • Made in USA.
  • Standard Material Colors: Black, Bright Blue, Burgundy, Clear, Gray, Green, Navy Blue, Red, Royal Blue, and White.

    Product Size:

  • Closed: 3.87"H x 8.87"W
  • Open: 7.75"H x 8.87"W
  • Click on any image to view the hi-res version.

    Black Imprinted

    Black Blank

    Black Closed Imprinted

    Black Closed Blank

    Bright Blue Imprinted

    Bright Blue Blank

    Bright Blue Closed Imprinted

    Bright Blue Closed Blank

    Burgundy Imprinted

    Burgundy Blank

    Burgundy Closed Imprinted

    Burgundy Closed Blank

    Clear Imprinted

    Clear Blank

    Clear Closed Imprinted

    Clear Closed Blank

    Gray Imprinted

    Gray Blank

    Gray Closed Imprinted

    Gray Closed Blank

    Green Imprinted

    Green Blank

    Green Closed Imprinted

    Green Closed Blank

    Navy Blue Imprinted

    Navy Blue Blank

    Navy Blue Closed Imprinted

    Navy Blue Closed Blank

    Orange Imprinted

    Orange Blank

    Orange Closed Imprinted

    Orange Closed Blank

    Red Imprinted

    Red Blank

    Red Closed Imprinted

    Red Closed Blank

    Royal Blue Imprinted

    Royal Blue Blank

    Royal Blue Closed Imprinted

    Royal Blue Closed Blank

    White Imprinted

    White Blank

    White Closed Imprinted

    White Closed Blank
    Standard Imprint Area:
    3.27"H x 8.23"W centered on opaque side
    Standard Decoration Method:
    Ampli-Fey™ One-Color
    Optional Decoration Method:
    Ampli-Fey™ Full-Color: Add $0.75 (C) per product.
    Hot Stamp: Add $0.39 (C) per color per product. Gold or silver imprint only.
    Screen Print: Add $0.39 (C) per color per product.

    Ampli-Fey™ Digital One-Color

    Ampli-Fey™ is a proprietary method that covers the product surface with a digital imprint that is vibrant, crisp, and shiny. Able to produce rich photographic quality images on your product, Ampli-Fey™ will soon be setting the standard others must follow. Requires minimum of 4 pt bold text or 6 pt fine text; 0.5 pt line weight and 0.5 pt line spacing or greater.

    Price IncludesAmpli-Fey™ Digital One-Color imprint in one location
    Running ChargeAdd $.75 (C) per product per additional location
    Set-up Charge$60.00 (G) per location
    Repeat Order Set-Up Charge$30.00 (G) per location
    Electronic Proof$15.00 (G) per Proof
    Virtual Proof$15.00 (G) per Proof
    Product Proof$100.00 (G) plus Set-Up Charge, per proof
    Change of Imprint Color$25.00 (G) per change
    Change of Copy$25.00 (G) per change of copy plus set-up within a production run. The absolute minimum quantity per change of copy is the first column quantity for an item in the catalog/website.
    Personalization$2.31 (G) per name, $50.00 minimum
    Self PromotionQuantity orders less 20%
    Factory Color MixFactory color mix $60.00(G). Exact Match on White Product only. Metallic, Fluorescent, and Neon colors are not available. Factory Color Match is on white product only. Product color may impact the final appearance of the imprint color.

    Available Imprint Colors

    Blue1 FEYReflex
    Blue2 FEY305
    Blue3 FEY289
    Brown1 FEY476
    Brown2 FEY1535
    Burgundy FEY195
    Gold1 FEY2324
    Gold2 FEY1225
    Gray FEY430
    Green1 FEY347
    Green2 FEY349
    Orange FEY1665
    Pink FEY238
    Purple FEY273
    Red FEY185
    Silver FEY2331C
    Teal FEY327
    Yellow FEY7404

    Ampli-Fey™ Digital Full-Color

    Ampli-Fey™ is a proprietary method that covers the product surface with a digital imprint that is vibrant, crisp, and shiny. Able to produce rich photographic quality images on your vinyl product, Ampli-Fey™ will soon be setting the standard others must follow. Requires minimum of 4 pt bold text or 6 pt fine text; 0.5 pt line weight and 0.5 pt line spacing or greater. Ampli-Fey™ decorating is available in all vinyl colors; White produces most vivid results.

    Running Charges$0.75 (C) per unit per location
    Set-up Charge$60.00 (G) per location
    Repeat Order Set-Up Charge$30.00 (G) per location
    Electronic Proof$15.00 (G) per Proof
    Virtual Proof$15.00 (G) per Proof
    Product Proof$100.00 (G) plus Set-Up Charge, per proof
    Change of Imprint Color$25.00 (G) per change
    Change of Copy$25.00 (G) per change of copy plus set-up within a production run. The absolute minimum quantity per change of copy is the first column quantity for an item in the catalog/website.
    Personalization$2.31 (G) per name, $50.00 minimum
    Self PromotionQuantity ordered less 20%
    Factory Color MixFactory color mix $60.00(G). Exact Match on White Product only. (Metallic, Fluorescent, and Neon colors are not available. Factory Color Match is on white product only. Product color may impact the final appearance of the imprint color.)

    Hot Stamp

    Hotstamping applies foil to the vinyl surface using a die. Not recommended for multiple colors with close registration. Requires a minimum of 8 point type, 1 point line weight, and 1 point line spacing on artwork. 1/8" minimum distance between colors for multi-color imprints. Imprint will be sized up to the maximum imprint area size of the selected product. If larger than 10 square inches, oversize charges may apply, but must be specified clearly on your PO.

    Running Charges$.39 (C) per color/location up to 10 square inches
    Oversized Imprint Running Charge$.10 (C) per additional 5 square inches
    Set-Up Charge$60.00 (G) per color per location
    Repeat Order Set-Up Charge$30.00 (G) per color per location
    Electronic Proof$15.00 (G) per Proof
    Virtual Proof$15.00 (G) per Proof
    Product Proof$100.00 (G) plus Set-Up Charge, per proof
    Change of Imprint Color$25.00 (G) per change
    Change of Copy$25.00 (G) per change of copy plus set-up within a production run. The absolute minimum quantity per change of copy is the first column quantity for an item in the catalog/website.
    Self PromotionQuantity ordered less 20%

    Available Imprint Colors


    Screen Print

    Screen printing applies color directly to the vinyl surface. Ideal for close registration with multiple colors and for large imprint areas such as binders. Requires a minimum of 6 point type, .5 point line weight, and .5 point line spacing on artwork.

    Running Charges$0.39 (C) per color per location
    Set-up Charge$60.00 (G) per color per location
    Repeat Order Set-Up Charge$30.00 (G) per color per location
    Electronic Proof$15.00 (G) per Proof
    Virtual Proof$15.00 (G) per Proof
    Product Proof$100.00 (G) plus Set-Up Charge, per proof
    Change of Imprint Color$25.00 (G) per change
    Change of Copy$25.00 (G) per change of copy plus set-up within a production run. The absolute minimum quantity per change of copy is the first column quantity for an item in the catalog/website.
    Self PromotionQuantity orders less 20%
    PMS Color MatchPMS color match free for standard colors or $60.00(G) for other colors. Exact match not guaranteed.

    Available Imprint Colors

    Blue1 FEYReflex
    Blue2 FEY305
    Blue3 FEY289
    Brown1 FEY476
    Brown2 FEY1535
    Burgundy FEY195
    Gold1 FEY2324
    Gold2 FEY1225
    Gray FEY430
    Green1 FEY347
    Green2 FEY349
    Orange FEY1665
    Pink FEY238
    Purple FEY273
    Red FEY185
    Silver FEY2331C
    Teal FEY327
    Yellow FEY7404

    Click on any image to view the hi-res version.

    Artwork Information

    Artwork Requirements

    By providing production ready artwork that follows theses guidelines, your orders will be produced with the highest quality imprint and you will avoid unnecessary delays or charges.

    • Adobe Illustrator® artwork saved as .ai is preferred (.eps or .pdf files are accepted). We also accept artwork in the following formats: Adobe Photoshop®(300 dpi or higher), and InDesign®.
    • All imprinting methods require production ready art that is sized to fit the product. We reserve the right to resize as needed.
    • If production ready art is not provided, we will prepare it for you at a rate of $50.00(X) per hour billed in 30 minute increments. You will be advised if the time is more than one hour. Examples of non-production ready artwork include: photocopies, Microsoft Office formatted files, business cards and low-res raster images.
    • Specify the imprint location and size for the artwork otherwise the default product location will be used and artwork will be resized to provide the best appearance.
    • When factory is directed to use artwork "as is", we will not be responsible for "cleanup" or "re-work". Factory reserves the right to accept or reject submitted artwork.
    • Magnets: There is no charge for typesetting ten (10) lines or less of text on these products. Art charge will apply to any product requiring additional typesetting.
    • Hotstamp imprint will be reduced in size to maximum imprint area, not exceeding 10 sq. inches, unless oversized charges are specified clearly on your PO.
    • Peel-N-Stick Calendars are printed on white vinyl, please provide all art files in single color or full color format using the actual imprint color(s). For best results, please avoid submitting black & white digital art files.
    • Templates are available on website:

    Sending Artwork

    E-mail your art to with a purchase order # in the subject line. If your files are large, you may also upload them via FTP. If sending your artwork by FTP please notify us by e-mail at


    Convert fonts to paths, outlines or curves before sending. If this is not possible, include the fonts with your artwork. Font formats that are acceptable are Postscript Type 1, TrueType, OpenType, DFont and Multiple Master.

    Color Information

    Use the Pantone® solid coated color matching system. Specify the PMS# on your PO for coated colors.

    • Peel-N-Stick® Calendars are printed on white vinyl, please provide all art files in single color or full.
    • Electronic artwork per factory guidelines is required.


    Trapping is the process of overlapping adjacent colors to avoid multiple-color registration problems. Trapping, also called choke and spread, is necessary in screen printing. If you send your art in one of our accepted formats, we will create chokes and spreads (traps) for your artwork.

    Bleed and Margins

    An imprint is considered to bleed when the image runs to the edges of the product. Multi-color close registration imprints are not available on all products. Edge to edge imprints are available on limited products. We require an extra 0.1875” of your image in order to bleed on a vinyl product. We cannot bleed on poly products. Magnets: A 0.125" margin is required from the edge of the item on most products. Small magnetic signs require 0.1875" margins. Large magnetic signs require 0.125" margin. Bleeds require a .12" margin past the die cut edge of the product, when possible use .18".

    Art Appearance

    Factory is not responsible for detecting errors in customer supplied art/copy. Factory assumes no liability for how the art or imprint "appears" on a product unless sample proofs have been requested and approved. Note: Because of naturally occurring variations in the grain and color of bamboo, laser engraved decorations within a run will vary in appearance.

    Art Compliance

    Factory assumes no liability for trademark and copyright infringements on customer supplied artwork. Material submitted is assumed to be in compliance with all applicable laws. Distributor agrees to hold harmless and defend the factory against all costs and expenses as a result of any legal action including attorney fees.

    Art Ownership

    All products and photos with trademarks or logos illustrated in this catalog show imprint capabilities only. Products shown do not imply endorsement by the holders of the trademarks or designs. Trademarks or designs shown are not for sale or use by anyone other than the owner of such trademark and designs without the owners express written authorization. Artwork, type, dies, sketches, prep work, or other items supplied by factory shall remain our exclusive property unless otherwise agreed upon in writing.

    Rights to Promotion

    Factory reserves the right to use all products in our advertising and displays unless otherwise notified in writing at time of order.

    Click on any image to view the hi-res version.

    Enter your Zip Code
    Number of Products

    Shipping Information

    Production Time

    For production lead times on catalog quantities, please refer to the web page for the specific product.

    Lead times are for catalog quantities & are subject to change.

    Rush Orders

    Contact Factory for availability of Rush Orders.

    Over-Runs or Under-Runs

    All orders are subject to ship 5% over or under the quantity ordered except for paper presentation folders and paper folders. Those items are subject to 10% over/unders. Invoices will reflect the actual quantity shipped.

    Exact Quantity

    Any order requiring the exact amount will be billed $50.00(G). Exact shipping is not available on custom items, or paper presentation folders.

    Shipping and Freight Claims

    Fey Promo is committed to creating an effortless experience for our customers. As part of that effort we want to make sure you have no worries or concerns when you send us purchase orders, when we produce your orders or when we ship orders to your client.

    If you choose to utilize Fey Promo as the shipper with freight charges added to your invoice, you will be fully protected concerning damaged goods or lost shipments. You will not pay for damaged goods or lost shipments caused by the freight carrier. We will take care of the entire claim processing process with the freight carrier from start to finish. We've got everything covered.

    If you choose to utilize your shipping number and the product(s) get damaged, the responsibility shifts from Fey Promo to you. Your firm will be responsible for payment of the Fey Promo invoice related to the products minus the shipment insurance monies paid by the parcel shipping firm to Fey Promo as the shipment originator. Note: Parcel shipping firms base insurance coverage is $100. In these situations, you will be responsible to initiate any/all claims with the parcel shipping company and Fey Promo will apply at $50.00(X) processing fee to cover our costs for assisting with the claim.

    We encourage everyone to trust the 50+ years of Fey Promo commitment to the industry and our customers and become part of the 'effortless experience'.

    Drop Shipments

    Drop Shipments are products shipping to Multiple addresses from one order. A charge of $20.00 (G) will apply for each address beyond the first. Minimum quantity per address is ½ of minimum catalog quantity of the product. Drop Shipment form must be completed before the order can be processed. Lead time begins after the order is processed. Individual dropship shipping expenses will be invoiced per location at the standard daily published rates as applicable.

    Split Shipments

    Split Shipments are repeat orders shipped on multiple days. All future shipments must ship within six months.

    Shipping Methods

    Unless you provide specific instructions, we will select a carrier. We can only assure date of shipment, but cannot be held responsible for arrival date.

    International Shipping

    International Shipping documentation fee is $60.00 (G) per order.

    Special Shipping Instructions

    Special mailing labels, packaging requirements and shipping services will add to the published lead times and additional charges may apply.


    Prior to return, all merchandise requires a written authorization in order to be eligible for credit. First quality, blank merchandise returns are subject to a 15% restocking fee. Returns must be sent freight prepaid within 60 days of original shipment.


    Weights shown are approximated for packaging only and may vary slightly.

    Ordering Information


    Orders are accepted from qualified promotional products distributors only. When submitting purchase order, please make sure to indicate if proof is needed. When sending production ready artwork via e-mail, please include PO# in the subject line.

    Order Cancellations

    Orders can only be cancelled with written authorization prior to imprinting or production. All applicable charges incurred prior to cancellation will be invoiced with a minimum charge of $60.00 (G). Orders on-hold beyond thirty (30) days with no response are subject to cancellation.

    Order Minimums

    Please contact customer service for current less than minimum order options.

    Combined Pricing

    When ordering a combination of different items, pricing cannot be combined.

    Assorted Product Colors

    Assorted product colors are available at no charge for up to four colors with no imprint color change. Each color must meet the catalog minimum order quantity for the product. Please note that imprint, artwork, and decoration method cannot vary. Unable to assort within the same shipping box.

    Increase of Order Quantities

    We will try to accommodate increases in order quantities. Once production has begun, any increase will be treated as a separate order and billed accordingly.

    Over-Runs or Under-Runs

    All orders are subject to ship 5% over or under the quantity ordered except for paper presentation folders and paper binders. Those items are subject to 10% over/unders. Invoices will reflect the actual quantity shipped.

    Exact Quantity

    Any order requiring the exact amount will be billed $50.00(G). Exact shipping is not available on custom items, or paper presentation folders.

    Random Samples

    Random samples are available at no charge on items with a $10.00 or less last column catalog price (shipping number required).

    Random samples requested of items greater than $10.00 last column catalog price will be invoiced the net EQP price (shipping costs may apply).

    Blank Products

    Blank products are available on catalog quantities only.
    Blank products are priced at NQP (Next Quantity Pricing).
    Standard lead time applies.


    Prior to return, all merchandise requires a written authorization in order to be eligible for credit. First quality, blank merchandise returns are subject to a 15% restocking fee. Returns must be sent freight prepaid within 60 days of original shipment.

    Production Time

    For production lead times on catalog quantities, please refer to the web page for the specific product.

    Lead times are for catalog quantities & are subject to change.

    Rush Orders

    Contact Factory for availability of Rush Orders.

    Product Tolerances

    Our products may vary in size up to 1/4" in any direction from the published product size.

    General Disclaimer

    Fey reserves the right to make slight specification changes to materials and/or products. We reserve the right to use any products we produce in our advertising unless you specify otherwise in writing at the time of the order. The imprints shown in this catalog are the property of the organizations they represent. They are intended to illustrate our capabilities, are are not an indication of any endorsement. All prices are shown in U.S. Dollars.

    As part of our commitment to service excellence we inspect all outgoing orders. However, product and decoration should be inspected for quality and accuracy upon delivery. Requests for replacement and/or refunds will not be reviewed or authorized if greater than 60 days after shipment.